Quote of the Day Widget
Wise words of wisdom
The Quote of the Day widget features random quotes to scroll through the region it appears on, ranging from motivational to technical, quotes about the holidays and even specific subjects like sports, tech, and politics.
Quote of the Day Settings
Choose from over 100 categories to feature quotes from including subjects like art, education, family, positivity, and more. The list is in alphabetical order with the exception of the specific holiday quote categories. At the bottom of the list you’ll find those selections for Christmas, New Year’s, Thanksgiving, and more.
Quote Length
Set the maximum number of characters of the quotes you want on your channel per rotation. The default is set to 150 and will only need adjustment based on the size of the region your slide appears in.
Text Color
Select the color of the text using HTML hex codes. For example, white is #ffffff and black is #000000.
Quote Text Size
To affect the size of the text in the quote, put in a number between 1 and 100 as a percentage of the screen size. This will adjust the size of the text to be larger or smaller depending on how easy it is to read the text on the device itself.
Author Text Size
To affect the size of the text for the author or attribution line, put in a number between 1 and 100 as a percentage of the screen size. This will adjust the size of the text to be larger or smaller depending on how easy it is to read the text on the device itself.
Pro Tip: It’s recommended that the Author Text Size be a value that’s smaller than what is entered in the Quote Text Size.
Quote of the Day FAQs
Can I select more than one category?
Yes and no. While you can’t select more than one category in a specific slide, you can have multiple back-to-back Quote of the Day widgets with different categories selected and featured. For example, Add in one slide for “Motivational” and then add in another slide for “Respect” to have them rotate through both categories.
Does the caption field under Slide Settings affect this widget?
It does! It’s our recommendation that you keep the caption blank for this and any other text-based widget, but if you have a way to integrate them together, go for it!