Weather Widget

Sunny skies are here again (hopefully)

The Weather widget is a simple way to showcase the current weather conditions in the area selected.


Weather Settings

Weather Zip Code

Enter in the five-digit zip code of the region you’d like to display weather.

Show Weather Icon

Determine whether or not to show an icon to illustrate the current conditions. The icon will show a sun for sunny weather, rain clouds for rain, etc.

Location Name

By default, the location will display what our maps API associates with the selected Zip Code. If you’d like to display a different name, you can enter that here.

Show Additional Info

Select whether you want the slide to display additional weather information including the localation attached to the zip code, sky conditions, and wind conditions. This additional information is displayed in three boxes (or “buttons” as they’re depicted below) beneath the temperature.


Select the color of the temperature shown.

Button Color

Select the color of the background behind the additional information if you’ve elected to display it. Select the color using HTML hex codes (for example, white is #ffffff and black is #000000) or using the on-screen color-picker.

Button Text Colo

Select the color of the additional information text if you’ve elected to display it. Select the color using HTML hex codes (for example, white is #ffffff and black is #000000) or using the on-screen color-picker.

Text Height

Select the height of the text of the buttons as a numerical value. This height should be a percentage of the size of the region the slide appears in. It is recommended to begin with a value of “20” and then make incremental adjustments from there.

Font Weight

Select whether you’d like the text to display as regular or bold.

Weather FAQs

Why is y content pushing outside of the region it's in?

You probably need to adjust the size of the button text. Try going down to 5 in that field or even smaller. If that still doesn’t do the trick, you might have your weather slide in a very short region. If that’s the case, it’s recommended that you choose to not show the additional weather information and just have the temperature displayed.